Investor Info

Listing Information

The equity shares of the Company are listed on both The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited. The face value of the shares is Rs.10/- per share.

Name of Stock Exchange Stock Code: 
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited 526325
National Stock Exchange of India Limited ORIENTLTD.

  • Mr. Ramvilas Maheshwari
    Chairman & Managing Director

    Mr. Rajaram Maheshwari
    Executive Director

    Mr. Prakash Maheshwari
    Executive Director

    Mr. Deepak Manikant Vaishnav
    Independent Director

    Mr. Vinay Biyani
    Independent Director

    Mrs. Neha Jagetia
    Independent Women Director

Unclaimed Dividends

Please note that above information shall be updated on yearly basis.
In case you have any unclaimed/ unpaid dividends in respect of the financial years mentioned above, please write to our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent at the following address for claiming the amount.

Mr. Ram Jaiswar
Tel No. 91-022-49186000/49186270
E-mail ID :

Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd.
C101, 247 Park, LBS Marg,
Vikhroli (West), Mumbai- 400083
